scob architecture and landscape

Osinbiribil's Parc (Irún, Guipuzcoa), 2011
Back to nature and city

Adjourned competition: Finalist
Project: S. Carulla, O. Blasco, J.Bellmunt
Team: X.Mayor, L. Majer, A. Montesinos, O. Kerexeta, M.Hernandez, G. Yubero, A.Servoli, B.Boschiroli
Surface: 101.000m2
Client: Irún's City Council.

Osinbiribil park is located in an alluvial terrace on the estuary of the river Bidasoa, in a privileged position of great ecological, environmental and landscape value. The project attempts to transform the park into a perceptual experience that responds to three main objectives: to reduce disturbing environmental impact from the city towards the protected area of the Bay of Txingudi, to enhance its ecological connection with other areas of biodiversity, and convert it into a social place, compatible with its function as an in situ observatory of natural values and urban ecology.

Finalist of the contest for the Osinbiribil's Parc. Irun