scob architecture and landscape

University Campus of Bellissens URV (Reus, Tarragona), 2014
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Project: SCOB + J. Bellmunt
Team: C.Ruiz, A. Montesinos, G. Yubero
Surface: 11,5Ha.
Client: Universidad Rovira i Virgili.
Photographs: Adria Goula.

The University Campus of Bellissens is located on the fields of the former farm.The project proposes to recover the old agricultural trace by using its structure as the University’s public space structure. Students will walk between the alignments of the trees that accompany the paths, they will meet in the openings of the fields and study under the shade of trees.Only a small part of the buildings and equipment of the future Campus is currently built. The proposal adapts the different landscapes that are gradually appearing along the years. 

Shortlisted. IX Bienal de Arquitectura Alejandro de la Sota.